Derek Hatchard

Technical Advisor

Fractional CTO

👋 I'm Derek Hatchard. I help companies reliably ship software by forging and fueling strong teams with exceptional practices.

Tailored to your needs

Every company, product, and engineering organization is unique. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions. I work alongside your existing leadership to tackle organizational and technical challenges so you we can deliver world-class outcomes.

Understanding your engineers

Jargon and constant change can be intimidating. I serve as a techncial translator for founders, executives, and other business functions.

Right-sized technical leadership

For as long and as much as needed for your company's stage of growth, I manage technical strategy, engineering teams, and product development in a fractional capacity.

Advice and a sounding board

For less experienced CTOs and future CTO candidates, I serve as a trusted advisor and coach so they are prepared to serve the needs of the business.

Technology & architecture

I come alongside your software teams to ensure technical decisions are aligned with business needs.

Engineering culture and process

Great software is built by great teams with high trust and fast feedback. I mentor and coach teams to deliver results with just enough process for the scale of your organization.

Product planning & roadmapping

Drawing on a diverse background in engineering leadership, product management, and entrepreneurship, I work with your team to prioritize and realize your product vision.

Contact me